

1010-123 is the long distance code that can save you LOTS! Low rates 24 hours a day.

Just dial 1010-123 before all your international calls.

Argentina 2.9 ¢/min
Bolivia 34 ¢/min
Brazil 16 ¢/min
Chile 3.9 ¢/min
Colombia - Bogotá 2.9 ¢/min
Colombia-Otros 4.9 ¢/min
Costa Rica 17 ¢/min
Cuba 99 ¢/min
Ecuador 12.9 ¢/min
El Salvador 12.9 ¢/min
Guadalajara 1.9 ¢/min
Guatemala 9.9 ¢/min
Honduras 7.9 ¢/min
Ciudad de México 1.9 ¢/min
Monterrey 1.9 ¢/min
Nikaragua 29.9 ¢/min
Panamá 35 ¢/min
Paraguay 42 ¢/min
Perú 4.9 ¢/min
R.Dominicana 4.9 ¢/min
Resto de México 8.9 ¢/min
España 7.9 ¢/min
Uruguay 36 ¢/min
Venezuela 4.9 ¢/min

How to use 1010-123:

For International Calls:

Dial 10-10-123 + Country Code + City Code + Phone Number

For calls within the US and Canada or to countries using North American area codes:

Dial 10-10-123 + 1 + Area Code + City Code + Phone Number

For more information about the service call 1-800-501-0123

1010-123 Terms and Conditions

Americatel’s 1010123 Service is available in most areas of the continental United States

All rates are subject to change. Promotional per-minute rates apply only during promotional periods and are subject to change.

International per-minute rates vary by destination.

An additional per-minute surcharge may apply to calls to international cellular destinations. To view the cellular surcharges, go to www.americatel.com and click on Terms and Conditions and then click on International Cellular Per-Minute Surcharge Schedule.

A per-minute rate of $0.095 applies to state-to-state calls.

A connection fee per call applies as follows:
$1.99 International calls
$1.99 Domestic state-to-state calls
$0.49 Domestic calls within your state
SUniversal Service Fund (USF) Fee of 15.7% (effective 7-1-2012) is assessed on the Americatel charges, when applicable.

A monthly USF administrative fee of 2.5% is assessed, where applicable.

State and local taxes apply and they vary depending on your location.

Frontier Cities (or Mexico I) means the Frontier Cities in Mexico with city codes 621, 631, 635, 637, 646, 649, 651, 653, 656, 658, 664, 694, 696, 824, 825, 835, 864, 868, 869, 871, 873, 877, 878, 894, 897.

Mexico Ciudades (or Mexico II) means Mexico City (city code 55), Guadalajara (city code 33) and Monterrey (city code 81).

Mexico III means all code regions not included in Mexico I or II.

$2.50 monthly minimum usage fee applies on invoiced amounts below $5.00.

SEE AND COMPARE all Americatel's plans and find one that suits you!