1010-123 - Frequently Asked Questions

1010-123 - Frequently Asked Questions

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1010-123 is the long distance code that can save you lots of money by enabling you to dial around your long distance carrier.

Just pick up your home phone and dial 1010-123 before all your international or domestic long distance calls.

For International Calls:
10-10-123 + Country code + City code + Telephone number

For Domestic Calls:
10-10-123 + 1 + Area code + Telephone number

No! Just pick up your phone and dial the code before all your long distance calls.

Your 1010-123 charges will appear on your local phone bill.

No. 1010-123 only works on your landline home phone.

Click here to get to our 1010-123 rates page.

Yes, there is a low $1.99 connection fee per call.

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